Parking lots and storage

Car dealership parking lots, airport parking lots, outdoor warehouses of construction materials stores. So much in such a large area…

How can essential values ​​scattered over a large outdoor area be effectively and efficiently protected?

Safestar gives you three main advantages:

Efficient handling of alarms from AI video analytics and perimetric security

Efficient means fast, cheap and effective. This is easier to achieve by using Safestar AI which handles alarms and video patrols automaticly and involves the operator only in case of doubts and real security threats. 

Immediate response via voice communication and remote control

About 80% of incidents can be ended by letting the perpetrator know they have been spotted and intervention is on the way. It is worth taking advantage of this.

Automatic monitoring of facility work schedules with the ability to introduce dynamic changes.

The larger the area protected, the more things can happen. Dynamically changing conditions only make protection tasks more difficult. In Safestar, you can quickly and easily change monitoring parameters, such as work schedules.

Night deliveries and safe parking until unloading? No problem!

You can use VoIP communication to communicate with an IP intercom. This allows you to replace the porter and reception staff, serving guests remotely from the monitoring centre.

Recommended functionalities:

Video Alarm with AI 

Safestar automates and accelerates the handling of video alarms generated by AI video analytics and alarm panels.

Video Patrols with AI

Optimize customer security costs without reducing your security level by implementing AI Video Patrols based on Safestar


Safestar’s automated reporting provides a quick and easy way to prepare and send detailed data in a variety of formats.

Audio Communication

One of the most effective and efficient methods of protecting an object is to prevent a crime from being committed. How to do it?

Safestar GO – Mobile App

Do you want your security company to be perceived as modern and based on modern technologies? Offer your clients a unique mobile application.

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