Patrol 3 – mobile application for the intervention patrols

Improve the operation of intervention patrols, save the monitoring station operator’s time, and make security staff work more efficiently.

Main benefits:

The Patrol3 mobile app offers four operation modes:

Console – handling and managing alarms and events.
Patrol – handling alarms sent through the monitoring station’s operator
Reading NFC — Control of facilities and working hours using NFC.
Service — for the technician staff

Self-managed alarm handling in Console mode.

List of alarms on the console.
Event main screen.
Event management screen in console mode.

In ‘Console’ mode, Patrol3 enables intervention patrols to manage alarm events in an unattended monitoring station independently. With extensive configuration options, it ensures professional, convenient, and cost-effective service without the need for monitoring station operators.

How does it work independently?

Managing assigned alarms in Patrol mode.

In patrol mode, the application is a terminal that receives and processes intervention orders from the monitoring station operator. Patrol3 alerts the intervention crew to assigned events through sound signals and PUSH notifications. Additionally, it ensures prompt action by continuously generating a sound until the event is accepted or rejected.

How does it work when an operator manages alarms?

Monitoring services can operate without operators.

Patrol3 is the perfect tool for monitoring and intervention services without a monitoring operator. The system sends alarms with all necessary information directly to the app, allowing the intervention patrol to handle and respond independently.

Fast and secure communication with the patrol.

List of event notes.
Adding a note in an event.
Sending an SOS message.

The application features a text messenger for sending photos, facilitating communication between the monitoring station and the intervention patrol. This allows users to report access issues, facility violations, and other concerns. All communication is securely recorded in the system.

Procedures for specific objects.

List of previously established procedures.
If all procedures have been completed, you can end the event.

Patrol3 allows for defining and recording specific procedures for patrols or interventions at each facility. This ensures systematic, step-by-step execution of tasks, providing precise and complete instructions.

Control of facilities and working hours using NFC.

Scanning NFC tags when there is no Internet.
Tag scanning screen when you start working.

The Patrol3 application supports NFC tag scanning, instantly sending the scanned data to the system. If an internet connection is unavailable, tag numbers are stored in the app’s memory and transmitted once the device reconnects, preserving the actual scan time.

A tool for service technicians.

The Patrol3 application features a service mode, enabling remote facility management via a mobile device. Users can temporarily suspend operations nearby, access facility information, contact designated personnel, and remotely filter and view signals from on-site devices.


Suppose the object to which the event is assigned has defined geographical coordinates. In that case, automatically opening navigation and filling the destination address to facilities in a selected external application, such as Google or Apple Maps, is possible.

Control and Security

The Patrol3 application offers strong security. Only devices activated through the Safestar system can log in. Full access requires authentication via login and password, a QR code, or a designated NFC tag. For added safety, login details are not stored in the app. The system also verifies device numbers and user data to ensure only authorized content is displayed.

User-focused customization

Users can customize the app’s appearance in the settings, adjusting font size and color palette. They can also hide buttons on the start screen and personalize features, such as choosing which events trigger sound alerts, setting search parameters, defining event handling methods, and more.

Frequently asked questions:

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