We simplify and accelerate the dispatching of intervention patrol performed in the outsourcing model.

With Patrol HUB in Safestar, you can easily, efficiently, and safely use subcontractors’ intervention patrols. You can also offer your patrols to other companies and earn extra money. Check how it is possible.
In many countries, security companies combine monitoring services with intervention services performed by specially designated teams, usually motorized – so-called intervention patrols.
When services are provided in a larger area, e.g. nationwide, security companies may not have enough intervention groups to reach the incident on time. Intervention patrols of other security companies are used to obtain the appropriate range. They perform intervention services on a subcontracting basis.
To make this cooperation efficient, safe, and profitable, we created a special PatrolHUB module to exchange intervention orders between security companies.
How does Partol HUB work?

Three main benefits
Faster and safer interventions
A good intervention is a fast intervention. Using Patrol HUB you will save a lot of time on handling the order, which will intervene faster. Because all processes have a place in digital encrypted space, it is completely safe.
Intervention’s documentation
The entire process of ordering and execution is documented, which allows you to ensure proper quality and safety. Exchanged notes and photos are automated log into the system.
Facilitating mutual settlements
The settlement process is quick and simple. You have to your dispozal automatic reports that summarize settlements with other companies for performed or ordered interventions.