Guard Control

Electronic guard control enables remote monitoring of guards’ rounds performed online.


Electronic guard control enables remote monitoring of guards’ rounds performed online. Guards use the Safestar Patrol3 mobile app or another device integrated with Safestar to register their presence at checkpoints.

This allows the system to create a complete registration history, showing the guard’s time at a specific location.

Safestar ensures savings thanks to algorithms that automate the control and reporting process. Virtual routes are The main algorithm you can configure and use daily. It allows you to program the round course by specifying at what point the next checkpoints should be registered. Thanks to this, the Safestar system will automatically inform you about irregularities.

Routes, schedules and guard’s safety

Setting precise patrol routes is just as crucial as monitoring their execution over time.

Precise patrol routes

You can place any number of checkpoints on a guard’s patrol route on the protected facilities – it’s best to do it in sensitive or important places. When a guard proximity reads a point-by, information about it is sent to the system, and we receive confirmation that he was there.

Monitor schedules and quard’s safety

In addition to the appropriate placement of control points, it is essential to monitor the time at which they are read. In schedules you can arrange the order of readings and the time intervals at which they are to occur. In this way, you control whether the patrol is carried out at the right time and pace. If a given point is not read at the set time, the system alerts the operator to a possible problem or threat.

How does it work?

We support both mobile apps and dedicated devices

Patrol 3 Mobile App
Control device


Automatization in providing guard security.

When a guard is alone at the post, it is essential to provide him with appropriate security. For this purpose, you can use the capabilities of monitoring stations. However, additional burdens for operators are not desirable, so you can use automation as a functionality called “Lifeline.”

Guard Security

A pretty common way to supervise security personnel on the premises of a protected facility is by phone. Safestar improves this by the lifeline function, which automates this process. It allows the use of various confirmation signals.

Patrol Schedules

Lifeline lets you create a schedule that lets you know when a security guard should check in. The system automatically checks to make sure the check signals are coming in at the designated time

Different Triggering Methods

The control signal can be a telephone call, a bounce from any control point, or any other signal that the system can receive and identify by Safestar.

Frequently Asked Questions

We are happy to answer any questions you may have regarding guard control.

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